I am...

A daughter to indian immigrants

A wife to an irishman

A multicultural family

A mother to four

a licensed therapist

with a degree from johns hopkins

a former captain in the us army

an honors graduate from west point

a serial entrepreneur, investor, & advocate for women

And, I believe...


That Knowledge Is Power


That Relationships Are complex


That Diversity Is Our strength


we are not meant to do this alone


strong family units are resilient

I spent years working alongside...

The Formal Version...

priya rednam-waldo

Licensed Therapist | Keynote Speaker | Serial Entrepreneur | Advocate for Women

Priya Rednam-Waldo is a licensed therapist with a degree from Johns Hopkins University. She specializes in supporting women and couples through the journey of pregnancy to postpartum. She possesses a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding non-traditional family structures, drawing from her own experiences as the daughter of Indian immigrants and the wife of an Irishman. Priya’s motherhood journey has been filled with both significant highs and challenging lows.

She has experienced the deep joy of partnering with her husband to blend their cultures and traditions into their family, while also facing the difficult lows of navigating illness and grief.

When it comes to resumes, Priya's professional credentials are impressive. She is a former Captain in the United States Army and an honors graduate from West Point, embodying leadership, compassion, and connection. She is the founder of Healing Home Counseling Group, a 7-figure therapy practice. Her extensive professional certifications include Perinatal Grief & Loss, Advanced PMH-C, MPH, and EMDR. 

As a passionate advocate for career driven mothers, Priya actively empowers women through keynote speaking and brand partnerships. Her dedication to supporting mothers is evident in all aspects of her career.