Dear Mom,

I have been exactly where you are. Tired. Overwhelmed. Anxious. 

From my own traumatic birthing experience, complex multicultural family structure, and the demands of work, I was left feeling depleted. Unclear of a pathway to health. 

We were meant to experience the highs and lows of motherhood together.

Together, I will hold your hand and bring my 15+ years of seasoned expertise, my personal experience of motherhood, and my leadership as a former Captain in the United States Army to guide you and your family to health, safety, and happiness.

From pregnancy to postpartum. 

I make this commitment to you with deep pride and am honored to support you. 

With so much love and care, 

The Approach....


personalized intake process


Identify Top areas of support


develop a personalized strategy


1;1 conversations & in-depth support


audit, edit, evaluate & celebrate

Your Next Chapter In Motherhood Starts Here...

Virtual Family Playbook

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Half day on zoom

custom transition plan

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Six 1:1 Sessions

pregnancy to postpartum

ongoing partnership

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